
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all our teams are in-house. We invest in the retention of each employee by including the list of benefits to every job offer. We are taking care of the company's internal processes and make sure that everyone shares the company’s value and vision.
The first step is to write an email to or to use our type form on the website. Please make sure to include the NDA (if applicable) and the following information:
  • The overall project's description (if relevant)
  • The requirements
  • Specifications
  • Timeline
  • Deadline of submitting the quote (if relevant)
Please include the documents that would help us better understand the request (e.g. brief, wireframes, prototypes).
Once we receive your email, our manager will contact you and make sure that every aspect is clear to us. When everything is clear, we prepare a proposal that includes a detailed timeline and budget.
As a leading software development agency, we take care of the project's lifecycle and encourage full transparency at every stage. The Project manager provides access to the management and communication tools, where you can view the stage and communicate tasks and feedback.